Profilo delle azioni

Lezioni di Inglese

a Romentino (Piemonte)

English instructor specialized in IELTS, TOEFL,FCE. CAE

Per alunni di:

Università, Adulti, Aziende


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12 €/h Prima lezione gratis

I am an experienced online teacher, who has successfully prepared students for international examinations like B1,B2,C1, TOEFL, IELTS. Are you interested in studying abroad? Would you like to settle down in Norway,Canada, USA , Australia or New Zealand? It is your dream to study in the best universities around the World and get the language requirements to do so, then I can help you to achieve your goals.
I have been an English teacher for over 22 years and I have trained online students around the world, who have got to study in Harvard, Cambridge university, British Columbia university, Toronto university among others.
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