Mekdelawit Fasil
Profilo delle azioni
Mekdelawit Fasil

Lezioni di Inglese

a San Giovanni Lupatoto (Veneto)

Tutoring doesn't always have to be strict and boring, it is really fun and engaging activity. Let's have fun and teach each other.

Per alunni di:

Tutti i livelli


Principiante, Basso, Medio


Lezioni presenziali (a casa dell'insegnante), a domicilio


12 €/h (supplemento a domicilio: 15 €)

Tutoring has been one of the few jobs that I have enjoyed working. I am passionate about helping people in the best way I can. Language teaching is not the same as teaching other subject because it's not something you will achieve by studying hard or taking notes, it's more of a living experience. I always try my best with my students for them to enjoy & live it. I hope to make a difference & I look forward to work with you.
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Mekdelawit Fasil

Mekdelawit Fasil

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