Ahlem Jday
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Ahlem Jday

Lezioni di CAE Certificate in Advanced English

a Verona (Veneto)

Insegnante d’inglese a bambini del asilo nido e prima elementare


6 €/h Prima lezione gratis

I am a passionate and dedicated CAE teacher who brings boundless energy and creativity to my classroom. My lessons are engaging and interactive, filled with songs, games, and activities that capture the attention and imagination of my young students. I understand that children learn best through play and hands-on experiences, so I design my curriculum to be fun and memorable while still imparting valuable language skills. My patience and warmth create a nurturing environment where even the shyest students feel comfortable taking risks and expressing themselves in English. With my guidance, my students make steady progress, gaining confidence with each new vocabulary word and grammatical structure they master. I am a true role model, inspiring my students to love learning and to see English as a gateway to new worlds of knowledge and adventure.
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Ahlem Jday

Ahlem Jday

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